
The Grey Anarchist
A taut and engaging thriller that masterfully interweaves political intrigue, national security, and ecological activism into a gripping narrative. A sharp and thought-provoking exploration of the murky world of modern politics and the lengths to which individuals will go to protect their interests and ideals.
“A timely, high-stakes political page-turner…Our verdict buy it.” Kirkus Revew of Books
“An exciting story alive with tension, jolts, and contemporary political resonance.” Publishers Weekly/BookLife
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Lake Barcroft
In 1960's Virginia, teenage Beck is growing up, and struggling to come to terms with two tragic deaths in the family. As the daughter of the U.S Senate Majority Leader, Beck is expected by her grandmother to embody virtue and maintain a pristine reputation. But Beck yearns for “a boyfriend, to be a normal girl.” Her childhood love, Randall, runs away to become a musician but returns when Beck is sixteen, finally ready to love her. But a single night together leads to a potentially career-destroying political scandal that only her grandmother can help hide: pregnancy.
Oshins tale is an emotionally sensitive one that delicately captures the volatile combination of angst and lust that characterizes adolescence.” Kirkus Reviews
“Heart-wrenching novel of love, politics, and changing times.” Publishers Weekly/BookLife
Lake Barcraft is now on AUDIOBOOK .

Narrated by Dana Dae, available at these sites.

12: A Novel About the End of the Mayan Calender
The firsthand account of a god who comes to Earth to destroy mankind and ends up being its defender. When clouds suddenly envelop the globe and a ceaseless rain begins to fall on every continent, Du Moss, an amphibious teen, has only days to save the Age of Man from the Great Flood that will wash away the modern world.
“A good read for those that like a thrill…with a few gods thrown in.” Francine Richert
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And We
Shall Perish
Modern civilization is helpless as ancient gods battle for the Sixth and Final World of Earth. The second book in the 12 series, the rains return two years after modern civilization had been nearly destroyed by the Great Flood. The fate of the world lies in the hands of two orphans from the slums of a Latin American city. Can Anta and Koya find the secret to stop the rain? Their love for each other must be powerful enough to survive the wrath of a ruthless dictator and the magical powers of celestial beings intent on the destruction of the human race.

All Those
A newly recovered memoir from the Greatest Generation. Humor and history combine in the journey of a Jewish boy from Escanaba, Michigan to the heights of power in New Deal Washington, World War II London, and Marshal Plan Paris. Firsthand accounts of historical figures from Franklin Roosevelt to Gertrude Stein. The author escapes assassins in Lisbon, dodges V-1 buzz bombs in London. Winston Churchill refuses his plan to divert grain from beef and beer.
“A skillful and inviting labor of love…a testimony to the courage and intelligence of Robert Oshins and his generation, an opportunity to bear witness to the their lives and accomplishments.” Publishers Weekly/BookLife
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Hippies in
the Andes
The Motorcycle Diaries in reverse as a group of privileged Americans in 1974 travel by land from California to Buenos Aires. A vivid, first hand descriptions of the last days before globalization. Out of touch with everyone from home, three hippies endure long bus rides, are abandoned by smugglers in the snowbound wastes of the high Andes, perform rock and roll songs for Indians, are jailed in Chile yet manage to have an epic adventure and the times of their lives

Hippies en Los Andes
Sexo, drogas y rock and roll en los Andes, este relato de viaje de tres jóvenes estadounidense en la carretera captura el espíritu de los años 70 y describe un mundo al borde del cambio. comenzando en California, estos inocentes se toparon con un camino de drogas, prostitución, contrabando, y rock en su ida a Buenos Aires y en su retorno a través de una odisea de seis meses y 12400 millas por tierra comparable a “Diarios de motocicleta” y “En el camino”. Relatado a través fotos de viaje y de historias, estos dos libros en uno describen el gran abismo cultural entre los Estados Unidos y América Latina en tiempos en que la población nativa se encuentra excluida de la sociedad moderna, y generales despiadados asesinan a los jóvenes que se les oponen. Aparentemente ajenos a los peligros que constantemente los acechan, tres hippies logran encontrar un período de libertad pura en América del Sur.
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Jeffrey Marcus Oshins worked on the national security staff of the US Congress for eleven years, focusing on military sealift. He founded NatPrep (www.natprep.com), which provides homeland security consulting to domestic and foreign clients. He worked in the port of Skikda, Algeria, a year after an explosion in the LNG facility there had flattened much of the port and city.
THE GRAY ANARCHIST, his sixth published book (www.jmobooks.com), draws heavily on his national security experience.
He is the founder of the literary sharing site www.betareader.us
Jeffrey Marcus Oshins was a candidate for Congress from the Central Coast of California in 2016. He has worked on the campaign staff of four presidential candidates.

The Grey Anarchist Intriguing - Oshins' take is an emotionally sensitive one that delicately captures the volatile combination of angst and lust that characterizes adolescence.
All Those Except Those
In touching tribute to his father, Jeffrey Marcus Oshins has assembled a hilarious memoir in anecdote, compiled from his late father Robert L. Oshins’s papers and letters home,
Lake Barcroft
Oshins’s experience as a singer/songwriter shines through as Beck explores the “rush of independence and teenage freedom” in garage band rock and roll.